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Carson Hot Springs Golf and Spa Resort - Real Haunted Place

  • 372 St Martins Springs Rd
  • Carson, WA
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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This spa resort houses the restless spirits of a husband and wife. Isadore St. Martin, who built the original resort (called hotel St. Martin), was murdered on the property. It is believed that his wife, Margaret died of a broken heart shortly after his death. The ghost of Margaret is more likely than her husband to appear before guests. She is often spotted or heard in the lobby and in the second floor hallways.
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  • Local worker at this business

    We have recently moved our business to the golf course section of the resort, I've been with the business for ten years now. Being a cook I'm normally last person to leave which means locking everything down for the night. I've heard numerous stories about the grounds and its past, and have also heard from reliable sources about their past experiences when down at the bath house section of the resort and seeing ms. St. Martin up in the second story window of the building. This section which is not open to anyone anymore. Since moving our business up to the golf course I randomly catch figures out of the corner of my eyes. I dont get any good looks at whatever or whoever it may be, but it makes it clear that it's around. Just a few nights ago I thought I had heard a ladies voice coming from out in the dining area, this I had just brushed off as nothing and didnt second guess myself until I was told by a co worker about how she had a woman yell hello to her at night while closing down also. I do believe this area has it's own set of spirits that have stayed here at the establishment, I dont know the full history of the grounds area yet, but I'm hoping to find out more shortly seeing as im going to be working the area and dealing with whoever the spirits may be.

    Posted 2/23/20

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 3,018
Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3141 days ago)

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