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Skykomish Hotel - Skykomish WA Haunted Place

  • 114 5th St N
  • Skykomish, WA
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  (2 reviews)
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Although the Skykomish hotel is no longer in operation, its haunted history lives on. According to legend, this former bed & breakfast hosted a ghost named, the Blue Lady. The Blue Lady was believed to be a prostitute who was murdered by a jealous boyfriend.
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  • Stayed thinking it was just a dorm-style hotel historic building

    I took a trip with my mother sometime during high-school, late 1990's. She mentioned wanting to stay at a place that was a dorm-style historical building hotel so I could get a feel for dorm life before college. I stupidity agreed and didn't ask any other questions. When we got to our room, two hangers were slowly swinging in opposition on the rack in the room by the window and I convinced myself likely from the air movment from opening the door. That night I could hear a lot of extra spu ds, things like the crystals on the chandelier in the hall clinking together. Again, I assumed old building, air flow, or something. Shortly after it stopped, I felt something like a hand squeeze my foot. I was about a junior in High school and freaked out enough to crawl in to my mom's bed and started cataloging all the weird stuff that happened since we had arrived. My mother slept well through the night. The next morning over a delicious breakfast in the hotel, she told me the building was an old brothel and roomered to be haunted. She was disappointed she didn't have that type of experience. She said she thought she would as she she too noticed the hangers when we arrived. Said she that they looked like it could have been caused by someone looking out the window and idly swaying them. I was livid she intentionally withheld that information as I would Not have been on board to staying there had I known.

    Posted 9/21/23

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  • Seasonal worker closed down bar and kitchen. Heard a lot

    Hello, My name is Jon higgs and hers what happened to me at the skykomish hotel!!!!!! I worked there when I was 18.. in the winter of 99-2000. I was there from mid Nov. To about Jan. 6th. I spent new years eve snowboarding at Steven's pass. My job was a cook and closer 5 nights a week swing shift. At first it was nothing out of the ordinary. But as soon as I wasn't being trained and no one else was there It started by my hearing talking down in the bar. The bar was in the basement basically. I had access to it threw the kitchen I would have to go down a number of steps and I would come out behind the bar on the right side if you were ordering a drink. When I came from montana out there with friends of my dad. Lynn and mylee. Super nice happy people! They lived t the top as they took over as general managers. They told me stories of poker games that ended up in gunfire and murder. I believe that they were talking about during prohibition. I stayed in a room second floor Eastside. I would here footsteps alot or stuff banging around in the bathroom while I was in my room. Not sure what or who it was. There were other people there. IT just sounded out of place. So back to the times in the bar. I would hear people talking sometimes when know for a fact no one was there! I would lock the kitchen and bar. I know only big Lynn had the other keys and he was 6foot 7 300 pounds so I always knew when he would walk in. I never could understand what was being said but I would feel like a heaviness come over the air like gravity get heavy right before I would hear it. It happened most nights I was working. It wasn't til about the last two weeks where I feel like I was getting messed with. The first thing that really freaked me out was I was doing my normal closing stuff and I went down into the bar when I walked in there all the lights and the stereo came on and it was loud. I turned around and walked out fast. I came back I na while and it was off. The other time and this was right before I left for telluride Colorado. It was like 2 nights before I left. I was closing and it seemed like I would turn around to do something and turn back around and whatever I had just done would be like I hadn't done it yet. Like of I put some in the fridge and covered it with plastic. It would be uncovered and back on the counter. It happened to like 3 Or four thing in a short period of time then the air got heavy I started to get really anxious and I then I heard of voice plain as day right behind a males voice and very crisp and pretty loud like right under a yell say hey let's have a drink!! And then right away after that I felt a wind on my head and back of my neck like someone was blowing on it. It scared the crop out of me. I went out fast and didn't even finish what I needed to do that was my last working experience there. I left basically 24 hours after.

    Posted 5/3/21

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Last edit to this listing: 6/15/2016 (3161 days ago)

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