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DoubleTree Spokane City Centre - Spokane WA Haunted Place

  • 322 N Spokane Falls Ct
  • Spokane, WA
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Real Haunted Hotels & Lodging
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Much of the building's history is unknown, but ever since Halloween of 1988, paranormal activity has become a normality. The 15th floor is the source of majority of the eerie noises and spectral shadows. Employees and guests believe the floor is haunted by the ghost of a man who committed suicide in his room. Other ghost enthusiasts believe Halloween festivities awoke sleeping spirits in the hotel.
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  • Literally shaken

    January 14, 2022 we stayed at the Doubletree Hotel in Spokane. I told this all to my husband Patrick over breakfast the next morning, in the hotel restaurant, how my night went… In middle of night he is sound askeep & I was dreaming (about catching demons & spooks of all things, but it wasn’t scary) and it suddenly felt like something tried to force it’s cold tongue in my mouth, bringing me fully awake. I half expected Kona to be in my face. I rubbed my mouth, grossed out! Gah! A moment or so later my eyes closed trying to sleep I feel someone grabbed me by my upper arms and pushed/shoved me into the mattress. I open my eyes and look where that person would be coming from, had they done it, and of course no one is there; just dark shadow (kinda over where hubby lay). It felt so real though. I turned over and tried to go back to sleep & I could still feel on my arms where I’d been grabbed. I don’t believe in ghosts. It was just very real and weird. I just now Googled “haunted places in Spokane. Guess what hotel popped up? Oh, and we were in a room on the 15th floor.

    Posted 1/16/22

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Real Haunt Listing Info

Visitors to this page: 2,434
Last edit to this listing: 6/16/2016 (3160 days ago)

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